PhD Consortium
7th Thursday. 14.00 - 15.30 - Place: Lecture Room
Session chair: Oscar Diaz, University of the Basque Country, Spain and Martin Gaedke, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Daniel Flores-Martin, Javier Berrocal, Jose Garcia-Alonso and Juan M. Murillo. Dynamic interconnection of WoT devices in Situational-Context
César González Mora, Irene Garrigos, Jose-Norberto Mazon and José Jacobo Zubcoff. API Generation for Open Data Consumption
Andrew Judith Jeyafreeda, Stéphane Ferrari and Fabrice Maurel. Tag Thunder:Towards new oral reading strategies for visually impaired people
Marina Vito Bellini Mongiello. Recommender System for News Articles